Cui Yuhua, female, born in 1971, a resident in Yinliu village in Yucheng town in Boshan district of Zibo city in the eastern province of Shandong, joined The Church of Almighty God in 2010. She was arrested and detained in November 2018 while the CCP carried out a unified arrest operation in Zibo city. During her detention, she was mistreated and was delayed in treating her breast disease, which deteriorated into terminal breast cancer. She died of illness on May 21, 2020 at the age of 49.
As Cui Yuhua recounted before her death, she planned to go to the hospital for medical advice in late November 2018 because she had a tumor in her breast. Unexpectedly, the police in Zibo city carried out a unified arrest operation targeting The Church of Almighty God Christians on November 15 after tracing them for six months. That day, nearly 140 Christians were arrested, among whom was Cui Yuhua.
The next day, Cui was sent to Zibo City Detention House. During her detention, Cui was subjected to inhuman mistreatment. She was forced to take bath with cold water every day in chilling weather, and had to serve on sentry duty in turns for two hours at night. If she dozed with her head lowering, she would be punished to prolong her duty. She lived in fear and dread every day, grieved and depressed.
After Cui was detained for over 40 days, she felt her breast swollen and had a large tumor in her armpit while running a fever. Her condition worsened day by day. When she applied for treatment, the police ignored her on the pretext that she had no certificate from the doctor.
The illness gave Cui Yuhua so much pain that she could not sleep at the night of January 3, 2019, but the police still did not grant her outside treatment. Not until a week later did the police take her to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctor rebuked her for coming too late, and said that her condition would not have become so serious if she had come two months earlier.
On January 11, Cui’s family got her released on bail, and then sent her to a tumor hospital for treatment. The examination showed that her cancer had metastasized, and her condition had developed to a critical stage. During her hospitalization, the police still did not let her go, and demanded her to be present at the police station.
As Cui’s condition continuously worsened due to the CCP’s persecution, she passed away on May 21, 2020. However, to cover up its evil actions, the CCP used its media mouthpiece – Shandong TV – to whip up public opinion, distorting the truth by saying that Cui Yuhua died because she refused to see a doctor for her belief in God.