Re analyzing the McDonald’s Murder With Gatekeeping Theory

Christian Dies During 4-Year Detention for His Faith in God
Chu Qingming (pseudonym), male, born in 1971, a resident of the eastern province of Shandong, was a Christian of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). He …
20 January 2022

Christian Yang Shifang Dies from Prolonged Mental Pressure for Having Been Pursued over 16 Years
Yang Shifang, female, born in 1958, a resident in Lan’gan town in Huaibin county under the jurisdiction of Xinyang City in the central province of Hen…
10 December 2020

CCP Persecution Worsens Medical Condition of 21-year-old Christian Liu Jun, Who Dies From Delayed Treatment
In July 2018, Christian Liu Jun was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party for his faith. In April 2019, disregarding his serious condition, the CCP once again arrested and detained him, causing a rapid decline in his health. Due to the delay in receiving treatment, Liu Jun passed away on August 10 of the same year at just 21 years of age.
28 December 2019

Arrested by the CCP Police and Tortured to Death for Her Faith
On December 21, 2012, a 44-year old woman from The Church of Almighty God named He Chengrong was secretly arrested by the CCP police for being a leader of her Church and died while in custody.
16 October 2019