ADHRRF – Recently, Human Rights Without Frontiers International issued a document on its official website, urging the authorities of all European Union member states to grant political asylum to Christians of The Church of Almighty God (CAG), who have fled overseas due to the brutal persecution against their faith.
Prior to this, nine international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including CAP Freedom of Conscience (CAPLC), Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), and European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), had jointly denounced the CCP’s suppression and persecution on CAG. With the escalating suppression on religious beliefs by the CCP government, tens of thousands of CAG Christians have been arrested and victimized, many of whom were forced to flee to numerous European countries to seek political asylum. However, most applicants have been rejected by the authorities. Their outlooks are grim as they are at risk of being repatriated at any time. Studies by experts have disclosed that, in order to conceal its crime for suppressing and persecuting CAG, the Chinese government has been conducting a massive media offensive internationally to generate false news stories, malicious fabrications and defamation against CAG, making it difficult for refugee agencies of European countries to objectively learn about CAG, much less verify the real situations of individual Christians having been persecuted in China.
A few days ago, our correspondent visited CAG in France for an understanding of their current conditions. A Christian of CAG said in an interview, “Fleeing to France, we are looking for a stable living environment to continue with our faith. In our quest for refuge, we cherish every step of our asylum application by clearly stating the facts of our persecution to the relevant agencies. We hope that the French authorities will heed and recognize our asylum applications as refugees. Upon seeing so many church members’ asylum applications being denied, we had been really discouraged for some time. But we cannot give up because we have no other choice. It is clear to us that once returned to China, we will be facing arrest, worse torture, or even death.”
It is understood that in the plight of their asylum applications being rejected, these Christians have been seeking the support and assistance of various refugee societies and human rights organizations. While defending their own human rights, they are also working earnestly for the human rights of other persecuted groups and individuals.
They participated in the “June 4th” commemoration to pay tribute to the victims of “June 4th” massacre. At the 2017 commemorative event, they sounded off for the rights-defense lawyers and rights activists in China who had lost their freedom in the “709” case. At a rally in honor of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, they held the pictures of Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia, condemning the CCP authorities for persecuting Liu Xiaobo and appealing for the freedom of Liu Xia. In addition, they also participated in various charitable activities to give back to society. In the volunteer activities organized by Moissons Solidaires, they helped by arranging and sorting fruit and vegetable for the market for distribution to those in need. They performed volunteer work in more than a dozen churches, doing child care, cleaning and flower arrangement.
In order to better integrate into the French society, they seek various ways to learn French. Many young Christians enrolled in language schools, interfaced and communicated with local citizens, and organized speaking practice on their own initiative. Moreover, they led and helped elderly Christians learn French.
In China, these Christians were deprived of their basic human rights because of their belief, their lives had no protection. They could not bear the CCP government’s trampling on human rights and its persecution of faith. They were forced to leave their families and flee to France. In spite of their predicaments, they still maintain an optimistic attitude to life. While fighting against persecution, they are also dedicated to various types of human rights and charitable activities. Their greatest hope now is to integrate into the French society, lead a normal life and exercise religious freedom, and contribute to society.
It is noted that, Mr. Willy Fautré, executive director of HRWF International, who has been in touch with and developed an understanding of CAG members in France, Poland, Germany and Italy, comments: “those people are peaceful, they don’t represent any threat to the state security or to human security in any country where they are. They’ve not committed any act of violence. But, if they are sent back to China, they would be victims of acts of violence.”