Religious Freedom in China : The case of The Church of Almighty God
Joint Submission by
Center for Studies on Freedom of Religion Belief and Conscience (LIREC); Association for the Defense of Human Rights and Religious Freedom (ADHRRF)

LIREC,The Center for Studies on Freedom of Religion Belief and Conscience,(registered place of business Viale Angelico 38, 00195 Roma) is a no-profit free society of culture and propaganda, independent from any religious organization and party. It promotes activities aimed at knowledge and authentic information on religious and spiritual minorities in order to defend the Freedom of Religion, Belief and Conscience throughout the world. Web site:
REGISTER: N. 782037528186-39
FISCAL CODE : 97943380580
EMAIL: [email protected]
CELL: +39-3488299499
SKYPE CONTACT: raffaella.di.marzio TRANSPARENCY REGISTER: N. 782037528186-39
ADHRRF, Association for the Defense of Human Rights and Religious Freedom, headquartered in Australia at 5 Springwater SQ Pointcook, VIC, 3030, is an independent NGO, whose aim is to promote human rights and religious freedom internationally, making the Universal Declaration of Human Rights both better implemented and better known.