ADHRRF – On December 7, 2017, the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, held a news conference in Cologne on the Current Situation of Human Rights in China. As the approach of the International Human Rights Day, ISHR hopes the news media can see clearly the situation of human rights in China through the conference: China is the country with the most serious human rights violations in the world, and China’s ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party, has committed the most serious crimes against human rights in China.

At 11:30 a.m., the news conference was held in Stadthotel am Roemerturm Hotel in Cologne. Those invited to attend the forum were experts concerned about the human rights situation in China, representatives of persecuted groups in China, the press corps and so on. Speaking at the conference on the status quo of human rights in China were six parties, including Prof. Li Huige, medical researcher of organ transplant; Manyang, an expert on China; Peter E. Müller, chair of the Laogai Research Foundation (reform through labor); Jin Bianling, the wife of Chinese human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong, who was arrested and sentenced; Ulrich Delius, director of the Society for Threatened Peoples International; and Li Lan, persecuted Christian of The Church of Almighty God.
Chairman Peter E. Müller of the Laogai Research Foundation indicated that the penal labor system is peculiar to China and a form of persecution of human rights. Although the penal labor system is now banned, and prisoners are no longer sent to labor camps, it has been replaced by judicial means to restrict human rights. In fact, this is a disguised form of human rights violation.
Ulrich Delius, director of the Society for Threatened Peoples International, stated that the Chinese regime has been committing serious human rights violations, and the situation has been worsening under Xi Jinping’s iron fist rule. At the same time, he emphasized about the persecution of ethnic minorities in China, for instance, the living conditions of the ethnic minorities in Tibet, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia have increasingly deteriorated.
Persecuted Christians of The Church of Almighty God stated that house churches in China have been persecuted by the CCP government, of which The Church of Almighty God has suffered the most egregious persecution. According to the 2017 Annual Report on the Chinese Communist Government’s Persecution of The Church of Almighty God, since the beginning of 2017 up until September 30, 2017, at least 3,362 members of the Church have been persecuted by the CCP government, of which 2,122 people were subject to residential surveillance, interception of personal information, coerced rendition of written guarantee, compulsory photographing and video recording, monitoring, fingerprinting, mandatory collection of blood and hair samples, etc. Well documented cases include 57 people arbitrarily sentenced, 25 tortured and 12 subjected to involuntary brainwashing.
Li Lan urged more people to pay attention to the current situation of human rights in China. She also urged the CCP government to release lawyers Jiang Tianyong and Gao Zhisheng!
The news conference lasted about one and a half hours.