Wei Aizhi, female, born in 1960, a resident in Baima town in Dancheng county administered by Zhoukou city in the central province of Henan, joined The Church of Almighty God in 2004. She was arrested and detained by the police for her belief in December 2012. During her detention, police officers instigated vicious inmates to hit her on the head heavily and stomp hard on her abdomen, which led to multiple bruises all over her body, and as result, she developed incurable diseases. She committed suicide by hanging herself for sustained unbearable diseases.
According to Wei Aizhi’s account before her death, while doing the evangelism work in Nanfeng town in Dancheng county, she, together with other fellow Christians, was arrested by the local police and taken to the county’s Public Security Bureau for interrogation. She was transferred to the county’s detention house later that evening.
After taking her into the detention house, police officers told other inmates that Wei Aizhi was a believer of God, and incited the cell boss [the leader of the inmates] to take “good care” of her. Without hesitation, the cell boss forced Wei Aizhi to take off her clothes for a search. She beat her right in the face with leather shoes for more than 30 times, which made her bleeding from the corners of her mouth and dislocated her chin. Besides, she was forced to labor every day. Since her chin was severely injured, she couldn’t take any water or food for four days in a row. Being extremely weak, she fainted and collapsed to the ground a few days later. However, the police did not care about her life or death. They sent her to the county’s hospital two days later when she was dying. After she recovered consciousness, she was immediately taken back to the detention house.
On December 29, three officers interrogated Wei Aizhi to extort information about her church, and later subjected her to harsher persecution for her refusal to confess.
Over 11 p.m. on January 2, 2013, when Wei Aizhi was asleep, the cell boss suddenly stomped heavily on Wei Aizhi’s stomach three times with her feet (causing her incontinence). After that, the cell boss hit her right in the face with leather shoes and kicked her viciously in the chest, which caused unbearable pain when Aizhi took breath.
On January 15 that year, Wei Aizhi was transferred to the detention house in Shangshui county administered in Henan’s Zhoukou city. At over 7 o’clock on the morning of May 6, Wei Aizhi, who was debilitated, suddenly fainted and collapsed in the toilet. Her blood pressure went up to 270/150 mmHg then. Fearing of the occurrence of death case, the head of the detention house allowed to send her to hospital for treatment. When the doctor told the police that Wei Aizhi was in a serious condition and needed to be hospitalized for one week. But the police refused and took her back to the detention house for infusion. Three days later, Wei Aizhi was so dizzy that she could not lift her head. Despite this, she was forced to labor and fainted many times during the period.
On November 5, 2013, Wei Aizhi’s family spent 23,000 RMB (about $ 3,500) on bribes and managed to get her released on bail. Due to her torture, she had been always suffering from stomachache, had no appetite for food, had incontinence and found it difficult to sleep at night. Moreover, the police visited her house for harassment and questioned if she continued her belief. They even conducted surveillance over her around her house, which made her dare not to go out for gatherings and left her in mental stress and lingering trauma.
Gradually, Wei Aizhi’s situation was worsening. She was diagnosed with diabetes, gallstones and other diseases. Her condition had no turn for better despite treatment. On January 15, 2020, at the age of 60, Wei Aizhi hanged herself for the unbearable sustained torment from diseases.