ADHRRF – On January 12, about one hundred rallied at the Place de la République to condemn the totalitarian tyranny of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), call on the French government to pay attention to the situation of Uyghur people, and urge China to release the Uyghur detainees immediately.
At 3 p.m. local time, nearly a hundred of people from the Association of Uyghurs in France (Association des Ouïghours de France), Amnesty International France, the Association for the Defense of Human Rights and Religious Freedom (ADHRRF), The Church of Almighty God (CAG), Students for a Free Tibet (Étudiants pour un Tibet Libre), and some other groups gathered at the Place de la République for solidarity with Uyghur people. The participants held placards saying “release one million innocent Uyghur people immediately,” “close concentration camps right now,” “stop violence,” and so on, to protest against the Chinese Communist authorities’ arbitrary arrest and detention of Uyghur people in large scale and call for urgent action of the French government to urge China to immediately release millions of Uyghur people detained in concentration camps.
Multiple groups rally at the Place de la République in Paris to stand in solidarity with Uyghur people.

Geneviève Garrigos, former president of Amnesty International France, is speaking.