3636 Cases Of Arbitrary Arrest And Detention Of CAG Christians By CCP (Updated On FEB. 13 2022)
90+ Folk Religion Temples Destroyed in Henan’s Linzhou City
The municipal government launched a unified crackdown campaign, resulting in demolitions and takeovers of religious venues across rural areas.
by Li G…
12 October 2020
Elderly Man Dies Protesting Temple Demolition in Anhui Province
Buddhist and folk religion temples continue to be destroyed across the eastern province of Anhui, as their guardians face government threats and polic…
14 November 2020
Buddhist, Taoist Temples and Statues Destroyed Nationwide
The CCP continues crackdowns on traditional Chinese places of worship and religious icons.
by Zhang Feng
The Tianyiyuan Temple in Gushan town in the …
22 November 2020
Facial Recognition Cameras Installed in State-Run Religious Venues
More than 200 facial recognition cameras were installed in churches and temples in one Jiangxi Province county. This alarming practice is spreading ac…
25 October 2020