Notice on Forwarding the “Key Work Points of the Provincial Leading Group for Prevention and Handling of Cult Issues in 2017” (English Translation)

Christian Wei Aizhi Commits Suicide for Unbearable Prolonged Incurable Diseases from CCP’s Persecution
Wei Aizhi, female, born in 1960, a resident in Baima town in Dancheng county administered by Zhoukou city in the central province of Henan, joined The…
27 December 2020

Tortured to Death: A New Book Documents Extra-Judicial Killings of Members of The Church of Almighty God in China
The Belgian NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers reports on 20 cases of extra-judicial killing of members of The Church of Almighty Good in China
16 October 2019

Christian from Liaoning Died of Relapsed Cancer Caused by CCP’s Mistreatment in Detention
While detained, she was forced to sit on a bed board for 9 hours a day and take on very hard labor. That combined with the very poor food available in the detention center, Zhenyu’s breast cancer took a sharp turn for the worse though her condition had been improving. She passed away from illness in April 2019 at the age of 38.
10 September 2019

Arrested by the CCP Police and Tortured to Death for Her Faith
On December 21, 2012, a 44-year old woman from The Church of Almighty God named He Chengrong was secretly arrested by the CCP police for being a leader of her Church and died while in custody.
16 October 2019