EN – Document Of The Office Of The CPC Henan Provincial Committee 拷貝

Arrested by the CCP Police and Tortured to Death for Her Faith
On December 21, 2012, a 44-year old woman from The Church of Almighty God named He Chengrong was secretly arrested by the CCP police for being a leader of her Church and died while in custody.
16 October 2019

Christian Couple Given Hefty Sentences for Belief: Mistreatment in Custody Causes Death of Wife and Disability of Husband
Zhang Jian (pseudonym), male, born in 1948, and his wife, Liu Mei (pseudonym), born in 1950, are residents of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. They j…
25 March 2021

Christian Died of Lung Cancer Caused by CCP’s Mistreatment in Detention in Zhejiang
During the Christian Zhang Meijuan‘s custody, she was subjected to mistreatment including having to take cold showers for prolonged periods of time, which led her to develop a persistent cough, and deteriorated rapidly into advanced lung cancer, which caused her terrible agony and her death.
5 January 2020

Who Tore Apart and Scattered My Family to the Four Winds?
After my father Zhou Haijiang was tortured to death for believing in God, my whole family was shrouded by the CCP’s surveillance, threats, and intimidation. We had no way to seek justice for his tragic passing but kept suffering pressure and pain due to the CCP’s persecution.
10 December 2019