24 Cases Of CAG Christians Persecuted To Death

Who Tore Apart and Scattered My Family to the Four Winds?
After my father Zhou Haijiang was tortured to death for believing in God, my whole family was shrouded by the CCP’s surveillance, threats, and intimidation. We had no way to seek justice for his tragic passing but kept suffering pressure and pain due to the CCP’s persecution.
10 December 2019

Christian Yang Shifang Dies from Prolonged Mental Pressure for Having Been Pursued over 16 Years
Yang Shifang, female, born in 1958, a resident in Lan’gan town in Huaibin county under the jurisdiction of Xinyang City in the central province of Hen…
10 December 2020

CAG Christian Chen Qigui Persecuted to Death by the CCP Government
Chen Qigui, male, was born on November 11, 1944 and lived in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. He became a believer in the Lord Jesus in 2000 and joined T…
2 May 2019

Christian from Liaoning Died of Relapsed Cancer Caused by CCP’s Mistreatment in Detention
While detained, she was forced to sit on a bed board for 9 hours a day and take on very hard labor. That combined with the very poor food available in the detention center, Zhenyu’s breast cancer took a sharp turn for the worse though her condition had been improving. She passed away from illness in April 2019 at the age of 38.
10 September 2019