On December 9, 2024, key members of the World Uyghur Congress and some Chinese Christians gathered at Geneva’s United Nations Square (Place des Nations) to stage a demonstration, denouncing the CCP’s genocidal acts against Uyghurs, its persecution of Christians, and the oppression of other social groups.
Protest Against the CCP’s Tyranny Held at United Nations Square, Geneva

24 December 2020

25 March 2021

Christian Dies of Illness from Suspected Mistreatment in Prison
Qin Dafu, male, born on April 24, 1963, resident of Chongqing municipality in the southwestern China, was a Christian of The Church of Almighty God (C…
26 December 2021

Tortured to Death: A New Book Documents Extra-Judicial Killings of Members of The Church of Almighty God in China
The Belgian NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers reports on 20 cases of extra-judicial killing of members of The Church of Almighty Good in China
16 October 2019

Death of an Insurance Salesman: Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Jiangsu
Only six months after the incident it was confirmed that Xia Zhenglun died in Guanyun County in September 2023.
by Yang Feng
Sometimes, in present…
2 March 2024

Prominent Uyghur Activist Dies Days After Release From Xinjiang Internment Camp
A long-time Uyghur activist has died days after being released from an internment camp in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), according to sources, amid concerns that abuse in detention may have contributed to his death.
4 December 2019